27 May 2010


Have you ever wondered why you attract certain things into your life?
I have ponder that thought my entire existence and I understand the whole concept now. It brings to the mind the saying, If I had the knowledge I have now, when I was...Yes hindsight, a wonderful invention.

Animal's have a sixth sense. I have seen this for myself several times. But what fascinates me is that animals are drawn to me and always have been. I'm not talking about the type of being drawn to, if you sit down with a nice bucket of hot chips and you get swamped by a flock of seagulls. No this is more profound.

A few years ago I was part of a muster in rounding up about one hundred wild horses. Once the horses had been yarded I over heard a conversation between two blokes about a rogue horse. Rogue horses are meant to be very dangerous and untamable.
I didn't know which horse they were talking about, but I presumed it was in the herd we had just yarded. It had been decided that the rogue horse through no fault of his own would be shot.

I was walking among the herd, and had noticed this lovely bay horse following me. He was tall at least 16hands. He was a very rich bay colour with black markings up to his knees and with black mane and tail. He was striking. I had already envisioned galloping along the plains on him.

"Jul's," I heard Bob scream at me "Don't move,"
Why, I thought.
Then the bay snorted and reared.
What the heck is going on, I said to myself.
The bay continued to snort and stamp his hooves down with a sharp thud. I knew something was upsetting the bay, but what?

I heard someone say to me "Walk slowly backwards,"
I looked over my shoulder and saw the two guys that had been talking about the rogue horse. It was then I made the connection. The bay was the rogue horse.
The two shooter guys had a rifle and were going to shoot him right there, right then.
I stood staring at the bay, throwing himself around wildly. Trying to intimidate the shooters. He reared and lunged forward, gnashing his teeth. All the while I just couldn't help but think how amazing this horse was.

One of the shooters yelled at me.
"Get out of the fucking way you useless bitch," I was in his line of fire.
I flashed him a look. He tried to justify himself.
"We have to shoot the mad bastard he's gonna kill someone and if you don't get yourself out of there it might be you," In the use of his word 'We', I noticed how shooter number one had made it about being on sides. The shooters side or the rogue killer horses side.

I turned to face the shooters, leaving my back exposed to the killer horse. The shooters screamed and gestured, but no, I was not going to let them shoot him.
I told the shooters to fuck off, I told them to give me a day with the killer horse and if I couldn't ride him they could shoot him.

Smiling to themselves thinking I was a useless bitch they left.

I turned back to the bay and said "You heard that. Stop your mucking about or you'll be the dog's dinner tonight," The bay settled and took a few steps towards me. He sniffed me and then nuzzled into my arm.
I walked away and he followed.

Word spread quickly that I was going to ride the rogue horse. Before to long an audience had appeared. They had come to pay their last respects. I wasn't sure to who? Me or the rogue horse.

One year later I was back at the same place doing the same thing, bringing in a herd of wild horses. The horse I rode was tall with a long lopping gait. He worked effortlessly. It was a pleasure to ride him.
He was a striking bay colour with black marking. His name was Stardust. The rogue horse had turned out to be one of the most well trained and successfully shown horses I ever owned. In fact he was the most popular choice for riders at my riding school.

When given the freedom to choose animals seek out those of us who they know to be pure of heart. Many of the animals that I have had the pleasure of knowing in my life seeked me out. The unseen sixth sense. So who is attracting whom to them? Is it us or the animals.
Either way our lives are enriched.

Me on Stardust

Read More: http://imaginifbusiness.blogspot.com/2010/05/kittens-play.html


  1. Being free to make a choice makes all the difference in the world. Both animals and humans react poorly to bad treatment or being backed into a corner. I am so pleased the horse had a real choice :-)

  2. Lovely story of salvation for that horse, Julie.
    You are right, animals do sense the good from the bad. Interesting question you ponder though: whom is doing the attracting?

  3. Thanks ladies.

    Stardust was a true inspiration.
