03 September 2010

Homo Apocalyptus - a Play by Dean Poyner

Every once in a while something comes along that completely sweeps you away. You become Jane in a Tarzan movie or Alice in Wonderland. For a brief day dream you are Cleopatra of Egypt or Jan Goodall and her Apes.

Whatever tantalizes your inner spirit, you are trans formed into the beauty of human kind.

I was metaphorically shipped to a place that unlocked and awakened me. 

My first play, an experience to savor for eternity. Homo Apocalyptus by renowned playwright Dean Poyner, was held recently in Cairns. Directed in Cairns by Velvet Eldred who did a fantastic job and made me feel very welcome.

An almighty thank you to Megan Bayliss for the invite, with out such my view of zombies would be,
shall we say...dull.


  1. Wasn't it wonderful. My mind has wandered to it all day. I still don't like the ending because I think they chose to join the zombie race by being just the same as everybody else. But, for the theatre to have made me think and reflect, was a wonderful reminder of why I LOVE live theatre.

    Paul says he is up to tomorrow night but you are my emergency stand by Julie.....just in case things turn to shite with the teenagers. There is NO way I am NOT going to see, A Head Full of Love. Paul can stay home again and we'll go :)

  2. Yes my mind too, I couldn't stop raving about it at work...I told everyone I saw even the customers...it made me think about how I believe in the human spirit!!

    I certainly don't mind being on the emergency list...kinda flattered...I'll be wearing my beanie in support :)

  3. The play was great wasn't it!

    Theatre is so engaging~ nothing like the "entertain me now" MO of the screens. I thought it was very cool creating a play about zombies.

    I was so proud to be there as a friend of Velvet's~ she shined!

  4. I Agree Char, I was sitting on the edge of my seat (to see better) but I know I would of been sitting there any way to get closer to the action. I was totally engaged.

    Also thanks for stopping and by and leaving a comment, I like to read the feedbacks.
