07 June 2010

Magic touched the Snake

Lillian held the stick high above her head.
She chanted, "Omba Omba Omba, telyas telyas telyas, latru def doasis,"
The stick went limp.

Lillian laid it on the table and running the edge of her finger nail along the stick, she cut it in two.
The expression on her face enraptured, by the power of the magic inside her.

She walked over to a stove, a pot was cooking.
Holding her hand over the pot she said, "paik kith isra der bur,"
Smoke spewed out and black water bubbled over.

Lillian put her hand in the pot and grabbed a handful.
She poured it over the stick and said,"tol hie bra coith,"

The stick moved.

Lillian carefully picked it up.
She looked into its eyes. Blood red.
It's tongue forked. Flicking in and out. Sensing, tasting.

She put it on the floor and it reared up, striking her.
It's fangs dripped venom and blood.

Moral: sticks and stones may break my bones...but snakes will fucking kill me.

Read more: http://imaginifbusiness.blogspot.com/2010/06/aka-and-snake-story.html


  1. lol.....that moral just cracked me up. It was totally unexpected. Well played, Julie.

    I thought at first you were trying out fantasy, then I thought the sub text was around co-dependency (those who do not understand that if you pick up a Taipan you are going to bitten and die), but Julie's voice and nature came out to play instead.

    Lol...that has really tickled my funny bone.

    Go back and check your apostrophe use. One glaringly (and that's a pun) obvious mistake.

  2. Glad you liked it.

    The moral was a last second thought, but it works well.

    I did enjoy experimenting with magic/fantasy. Will try that again.

  3. This was clever and imaginative. Well done, Julie! I found the end surprising as well!

  4. Thank you, Becca.

    Like a good one line that makes a movie.
