01 June 2010

When storms roll in.

The storm was vicious and it would be here soon.
I have always been fascinated by the awesome power that storms display.
Untamed and wild, they can leave you devastated or blessed.

When I moved to the farm, it was meant to be a new life adventure.
But it turned out to be a nightmare that would haunt me.

Bill was evil.
Everyday he would come with his darkness.
He would make my light disappear.

Torn and twisted, I was lost in a world of black horror.

Everyday, Bill took my vivacious spirit and he replaced it with worthlessness.
He took away my life experiences and opportunities.
So that, when I looked in the mirror, I didn't recognise the face staring back at me.
It was a time of terror and fear. A time of silence and shame.
I was just trying to survive.

The storm, with all it's intensity and sway loomed towards me.
Powerful displays of lightening cracked and the thunder exploded above me.
I was in awe. I felt as if this storm could see right through me.
Trying to encourage the storms attention, I stood out in the open.

Willing the lighting to touch me. To reinvigorate my soul.
I wanted to join the commanding storm's presence.
I wanted my power back.

When Bill said no, I now say yes.
What he refuses, I allow.
What I know he hates, I embrace.
Bill's failure is my success.
And whatever he said I couldn't achieve, I flourish in.

Can you see the storm rolling in?

Read More: http://imaginifbusiness.blogspot.com/2010/06/birth-of-rain-child.html


  1. Now that is a storm I want to be in! Well the literal one, I could skip the metaphorical version lol. I love the way the storm itself interacts with both you (as a character) and Bill and both forms of vicious become a force for freedom.

  2. Ummm..some very powerful symbolism in there. In my years of working with sexual assault survivors, many of them said that perpetrators were like the weather - dark and story and calm and bright.

    Sounds like Bill was a category 5 cyclone!

    Nice work, Julie.

  3. Thanks Ladies,

    Storms are so amazing, and I guess my symbol is tattoo'd on my back. Hehehehe xx :)
