26 June 2010

Murder at the Big Mango

Part one

The yellow and red police tape that cordoned off the area blew gently in the afternoon breeze.
The unmistakable big mango shadowed over the nearby bush that hide the decomposing body.

A strong police presences kept a congregation of news reporters at bay. Forensic scientist wearing white overalls paced frankly back and forth between the crime scene and their unmarked van. They were unsure how long the body had been there, but preliminary detection of the bloating indicated four days.

The towns people were shocked that a body could lay undiscovered for so long at the popular tourist spot. But curiosity got the better of them and a group of locals gathered near the road side. Hoping to catch a glimpse of the victim. Prompting the question, was he/she a local?

The heinous act of the murder put shivers through Detective Sergeant Floyd of the local police. He had never witnessed such a horrific crime. Floyd had spent his entire career as the local Detective and felt an unsettling fear for the residence of the small sleepy town.

With all the commotion no one saw the two sisters sitting in their red car.

Read more: http://imaginifbusiness.blogspot.com/

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